Our Procedures:

Moderne Zahnwurzelbehandlungen

Contemporary Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a complex procedure carried out when the dental pulp is compromised. The goal is to relieve pain and preserve the natural tooth. The process involves removing infected tissue, cleaning and disinfecting the space, and sealing it to prevent re-infection. We use advanced technologies—such as microscopic magnification, advanced imaging, and effective local anesthesia—to ensure the treatment is safe, painless, and successful in the long term.


Root Canal Retreatment

When root canal treatment is performed properly, and the tooth is restored with a high-quality crown or filling afterwards, it offers excellent long-term success rates. However, these procedures are not always performed optimally the first time around and some root canal procedures need to be redone if the tooth is to be saved. Common reasons for retreatment include leaking restorations, missed root canals, or inaccessible anatomy from previous treatment. Root canal retreatment involves removing the old root canal filling and performing the treatment again.

Apikale Mikrochirurgie

Endodontic Surgery

Sometimes a failing root canal procedure can only be corrected by performing a microsurgical procedure known as apicoectomy (syn. ‚root-end surgery‘, or ‚root-end resection’). The affected root tip is removed, along with infected tissue, and the root canals are sealed with biocompatible material.

Erweiterte Diagnostik

Advanced Diagnostics

Digital dental radiographs are essential for diagnosing, treating, and maintaining oral health. Digital radiographs are available immediately and, compared to conventional films, offer adjustable contrast and magnification for greater detail. Digital images can be easily shared with referring doctors and insurance providers, enhancing the efficiency of your care. With digital imaging, radiation exposure is significantly lower than with traditional x-ray films.

Dental 3D Imaging (CBCT Scan) provides a comprehensive view of teeth from all angles, allowing us to magnify, adjust contrast, and thoroughly examine the images. This technology simplifies complex cases and improves both efficiency and predictability. We use ‘focused field’ 3D imaging, which significantly reduces radiation exposure compared to traditional medical CT scans.


Emergency Care

About two-thirds of all acute toothaches are caused by endodontic problems. A prompt and careful assessment, followed by proper endodontic treatment, leads to rapid pain relief and helps preserve the tooth for the long term.


Traumatic Dental Injury

Dental trauma often risks compromising the dental pulp. Immediate evaluation and treatment (if needed), along with routine follow-ups, are crucial for preventing disease and preserving teeth. This is especially important for children and adolescents, whose teeth are still developing.

Assoziierte Behandlungen

Related Procedures

  • Root canal apexification
  • Revascularisation procedures
  • Management of root canal perforations
  • Removal, management of fractured instruments
  • Treatment of internal and external root resorption
  • Internal bleaching
  • Second opinion

Advanced Technologies for Precise Endodontic Care

Endodontie Technologien Dentalmikroskop Endo Zürich

Surgical Microscope

The introduction of the dental microscope has revolutionized endodontics. There is no substitute for a magnified, brightly illuminated operating field. The success of endodontic therapy depends greatly on the ability to visualize even the smallest anatomical details, such as calcified root canals or tiny cracks. Our entire workflow is centered around the use of the surgical microscope.

3D Radiography (CBCT Scan)

Endodontic disease often goes undetected in conventional dental radiographs. We utilize the latest high-resolution ‘focused field’ 3D imaging technology for diagnostics and treatment planning. This allows three-dimensional visualization of teeth, bone, and surrounding structures, providing the highest diagnostic accuracy and precision for treatments.

DVT-Technologie, 3D-Bildgebung, digitale Volumentomographie für Diagnose
Digitales Röntgen - Technologien in Endo Zürich

Digital Imaging

Compared to conventional films, digital dental radiographs offer adjustable contrast and magnification for greater detail. Digital images can be easily shared with referring doctors and insurance providers, enhancing the efficiency of your care. At Endo Zürich, we exclusively use digital imaging, which significantly reduces exposure time compared to traditional x-ray films.

Good to Know

Endodontic is a branch of dentistry concerned with study and treatment of the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. See this video for more information.

Quite the opposite is true: many times severe toot pain can only be relieved by appropriate root canal treatment. With modern techniques and anesthetics, most patients report that they are comfortable during the procedure.

Once a certain degree of inflammation/disease is present, endodontic treatment, or retreatment remains the last option for preserving your natural teeth. Alternatively, a microsurgical procedure called apicoectomy, where the tip of the affected root is removed along with the inflamed and infected surrounding tissue, can be indicated (see here).

Otherwise, there is no alternative treatment to preserve the natural tooth and it has to be extracted and replaced. The cost of replacing teeth frequently exceeds the cost of preserving teeth by far.

If root canal treatments are not performed carefully and root canals are missed, for example, an inflammation can develop or persist at the tissues surrounding the root tip. This inflammation is usually localized and not painful. Under certain circumstances, however, the inflammation can become acutely painful, lead to local swelling and thus impair your general health. However, if the cause of the problem is successfully treated, e.g. the missed root canal receives appropriate care through a root canal retreatment, the inflammation at the root tip will heal completely. Successfully treated teeth without inflammation at the tip of the root canal pose no threat to general health.

There are various myths circulating about root canal treatments in the context of general health. For an up-to-date, science-based appraisal.

We complete root canal treatments usually in 1-2 treatment sessions.

This can vary from case to case. Many time, a root canal treatment session takes between 45 to 90 minutes.

Tooth roots and root canals are covered by bone and therefore cannot be visualized and evaluated directly. Dental radiographs are essential tools for diagnosing, treating, and maintaining oral health. At Endo Zurich, we take radiation very seriously: we only use digital radiographs, that reduces the exposure time by up to 90% compared to conventional film. Furthermore, our staff is specifically trained in the use of radiographs and frequently receives continuous education. If you have any concerns related to the subject, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Endodontic disease often goes undetected in conventional dental radiographs. We utilize the latest high-resolution ‘focused field’ 3D imaging technology for diagnostics and treatment planning. This allows three-dimensional visualization of teeth, bone, and surrounding structures, providing the highest diagnostic accuracy and precision for treatments. Your safety is of utmost importance to us: ‚focused field‘ 3D imaging exposes patients to only a fraction of the radiation from a medical CT. If you have further questions on this topic, feel free to contact us directly.